sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Note to Cuban-Americans (Even U.S. Citizens): You Have No Rights in Cuba

Note to Cuban-Americans (Even U.S. Citizens): You Have No Rights in Cuba

Saturday, May 7, 2016
From CBS Miami:

Born In America To Cuban Parents? Cuba Still Doesn’t See You As U.S. Citizen

The U.S. Embassy has highlighted some bizarre practices by the Cuban government that could trip up Cuban-American citizens traveling to the island nation.

According to the U.S. Embassy, “The Government of Cuba does not recognize the U.S. nationality of U.S. citizens who are Cuban-born or are the children of Cuban parents.”

Yes, you read that right. Cuba’s government will label you a full-blown Cuban even if you were born on U.S. soil.

U.S. officials said Cuba may even force you to enter and depart using a Cuban passport.

While doing so wouldn’t hinder your U.S. citizenship, you still need your U.S. passport to enter and depart the United States.

And therein lies another problem according to the U.S. Embassy.

There have been cases of Cuban-American dual nationals being forced by the Cuban government to surrender their U.S. passports.”

The U.S. Embassy also says to be wary of Cuban authorities asking you to sign “repatriation” documents.

According to the U.S. Embassy, “Cuba views a declaration of repatriation as a legal statement on the part of the dual national that she/he intends to resettle permanently in Cuba.”

So in signing those documents there is a chance the Cuban government seizes your U.S. passport and denies you permission to return to the United States.

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