viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

WSJ: Obama Rescues Cuba as Venezuelan Aid Fails

WSJ: Obama Rescues Cuba as Venezuelan Aid Fails

A Letter to the Editor of The Wall Street Journal:

Obama Rescues Cuba as Venezuelan Aid Fails

If President Obama had not dropped Cuba such a timely lifeline, this might have brought the Castro brothers’ regime to an end.

Regarding Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s “North Korea’s Cuban Friends” (Americas, Jan. 11): She connects the dots between Cuba and North Korea, to which I would like to add dots between Cuba and Venezuela. Think about the condition the Castro regime would be in today if President Obama had not recognized it when he did. Cuba depended on money and oil from Venezuela before the price of oil dropped, but now Venezuela is struggling and likely not giving away so many freebies. If Mr. Obama had not dropped Cuba such a timely lifeline, this might have brought the Castro brothers’ regime to an end and done more for the Cuban people than anything in the last 90 years. When President Obama is adding to his shallow legacy, he is blind to other consequences.

Hal Dantone

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