viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Expelled Cuban Spy Led Delegation to U.S. Regional Security Conference

Expelled Cuban Spy Led Delegation to U.S. Regional Security Conference

Thursday, February 4, 2016
One of the Obama Administration's latest diplomatic concessions was to invite the Castro regime to participate in an annual Caribbean regional security conference co-sponsored by the U.S. military's Southern Command.

The conference was held from January 26-29th.

Never mind that the Castro regime refuses to return a stolen U.S. Hellfire missile with sensitive technology.

Instead, the Castro regime keeps adding insult to injury.

As the AP reported, "the Cuban delegation was led by Gustavo Machin Gomez, deputy director general of the U.S. department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Machin Gomez is a Cuban spy who was declared persona non grata and expelled from the United States in 2002.

On April 14th, 2000, Machin was one of nearly two dozen Cuban "diplomats" that violently assaulted a small group of peaceful demonstrators outside the then-Cuban Interests Section (CUBINT) on 16th Street in Washington, D.C.

Machin was expelled from the U.S. in November 2002, pursuant to the Ana Belen Montes case. Montes, a former Defense Intelligence Agency official, was convicted in U.S. federal court for serving as a Cuban agent -- the highest level spy ever caught at the Pentagon.

He would later become Cuba’s Ambassador to Pakistan, where he isbelieved to have targeted US counter-terrorism operations in the region.

Another slap in the face of the Obama Administration.

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