



domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

¿Cuál será el modelo económico a seguir por el régimen cubano?

¿Cuál será el modelo económico a seguir por el régimen cubano?

Está por ver cuál será la próxima jugada del neo castrismo después de 2018. Por ahora no han apostado al modelo chino o vietnamita.
Raúl Castro (i), y el presidente de China, Xi Jinping.
Raúl Castro (i), y el presidente de China, Xi Jinping.
China y Vietnam son patrones palpables que la economía de mercado funciona en naciones donde el control social y político es ejercido por un partido comunista. En ambos países se restringen derechos políticos y reprimen a los opositores.
En 1986, un año antes de que Mijaíl Gorbachov iniciara la Perestroika en la otrora meca del comunismo mundial, el gobierno de Hanoi comenzó su reforma económica llamada Doi Moi. China, en 1978, dos años después de la muerte de Mao, Deng Xiaoping inició gradualmente una transformación que sacudió las estructuras económicas del país.

Odebrecht's Man in Havana

Odebrecht's Man in Havana

Read the original piece in Brazil's Epoca magazine here (in Portuguese).

From Reuters:

Brazilian weekly says Lula lobbied for Odebrecht in Cuba

A Brazilian news magazine has accused former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of acting as lobbyist in Cuba for Brazil's largest engineering firm Odebrecht, which built the container terminal at the Cuban port of Mariel.

In this week's edition headlined "Our Man in Havana," Epoca magazine cited Brazilian diplomatic cables about visits to Cuba by Lula after he had left office. During those visits he sought to further Brazilian business interests on the island, it said.

Obama's 'Sunshine Policy' Towards Cuba

Obama's 'Sunshine Policy' Towards Cuba

Sunday, August 30, 2015
In 2010, we ominously warned the Obama Administration about the dangers of a "sunshine policy" towards the Castro dictatorship, akin to South Korea's failed approached to relations with its northern neighbor.

In light of recent events in inter-Korean relations -- and now that the Obama Administration has chosen to walk down this counter-productive path -- this warning remains more pertinent than ever.

In short, here's what the South Korea's "sunshine policy" entailed -- as per Max Fischer in Vox:

"The idea was that decades of hostility with the North hadn't worked, but maybe that taking a softer line would ease tensions. That included lots of political summits and official rhetoric about Korean unity, but it also meant opening up some trade with the North. But it turned out that North Korea was just exploiting the Sunshine Policy as a con. The greatest symbol of this was the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a big production center just on the North Korean side of the border, where South Korean companies and managers contract with North Korean workers. The idea was that this daily contact would ease cultural tension and that the shared commercial interests would give the countries a reason to cooperate. In practice, though, the North Korean government stole most of the workers' wages, big South Korean corporations exploited the ultra-cheap labor to increase profits, and North Korea didn't ease its hostility one iota."

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Quote of the Day: The Intra-Castro Transition in Cuba

Quote of the Day: The Intra-Castro Transition in Cuba

Most Americans don't spend a lot of time thinking about [Cuba]. And most of the public policy leaders in our country don't know a lot about the true nature of the Castro regime and what's happening there. And what's happening there is very simple: Raul Castro is transitioning that government eventually towards a succession that will involve his son as the leader of that country. What they're looking for is enough revenue to allow that system of government they have in place to sustain itself for the long term. And this opening, this one-sided opening will make it easier for him to achieve that goal. And that means the Cuban people will never have freedom.
-- U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), interview on CNBC, 8/26/15

Must-Watch: Video for the Freedom of Imprisoned Cuban Artist #ElSexto

Must-Watch: Video for the Freedom of Imprisoned Cuban Artist #ElSexto

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Cuban rockers, rappers and dissident leaders -- on the island -- gathered to film the following video for the freedom of imprisoned artist, Danilo Maldonado ("El Sexto").

El Sexto was arrested on December 25th, 2014 -- just one week after the Obama-Castro deal.

His crime? Drawing the words "Fidel" and "Raul" on two pigs.

He is currently on a hunger strike protesting his unjust imprisonment.

Click below (or here) to watch:

Cuban Activists Fear Arrest Ahead of Pope's Visit

Cuban Activists Fear Arrest Ahead of Pope's Visit

From The Catholic Herald:

Human rights activists fear arrest ahead of Pope’s visit to Cuba 

Pope Francis is due to visit Cuba in September - but group's opposing the government have concerns

The leader of a human rights group has raised concerns that the Cuban government will repeat its crackdown on activists when Pope Francis visits next month.

In 2012 Cuban officials made arrests during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit, to keep dissidents from communicating with one another, according to the head of an opposition group.

Berta Soler is the leader of The Ladies in White, a group of wives and other relatives of jailed Cuban dissidents.

Freemuse: Release Imprisoned Cuban Artists

Freemuse: Release Imprisoned Cuban Artists

Friday, August 28, 2015
Cuba: Freemuse calls for the release of imprisoned artists

The Cuban graffiti artist and activist Danilo Maldonado Machado, best known as El Sexto, who has been arbitrarily imprisoned for eight months in the Valle Grande prison, located west of Havana, has initiated a hunger strike, according to El Nuevo Herald and various other sources.

El Sexto was arrested on 25 December 2014 while he was on his way to put on a performance art piece called ‘Rebelión en la Granja’ – the title in Spanish of George Orwell’s classic Animal Farm – which included two pigs decorated with the names Fidel and Raúl.

Young Cuban Dissidents: Obama's Policy Helps Castro Regime, Not the People

Young Cuban Dissidents: Obama's Policy Helps Castro Regime, Not the People

Friday, August 28, 2015
The following video captures the opinion of 20-something year old members of Cuba's Ladies in White, the renowned group composed of the wives and other relatives of political prisoners.

Their message is clear: Obama's policy helps the Castro regime, notthe Cuban people.

Click video below (or here) by Tracey Eaton for The Pulitzer Center:



Posted on August 25, 2015 by Nuevo Accion
CEREMONIAENCASADEJEFFRIESDELAURENTISCONCIPAYOS“Cubano-americanos”  presentes en la recepción ofrecida por Mr. Jeffrey DeLaurentis en la residencia, tras la ceremonia en la Embajada de EEUU en La Habana: (Lista tomada del Blog de Emilio Ichikawa)

1-Joe Arriola; 2-Ric Herrero; 3-Freddy Balsera; 4-Felice Gorordo; 5-Paul Cejas; 6-Patrick Hidalgo; 7-Ariel Perera; 8-Pedro Freyre; 9-Hugo Cancio; 10-Carlos Gutiérrez; 11-Joe García (+familiar); 12-Consuelo Arostegui; 13-Marifeli Perez Estable; 14-Annie Betancourt; 15-Ralph Gazitua; 16-Luly Duke; 17-Carlos Saladrigas; 18-Alberto Ibarguen; 19-Dr. Sergio González Arias (+familiar); 20-Ella Fontanals-Cisneros; 21-Andres Fanjul; 22-Silvia Wilhelm; 23-Ralph Patino

El senador uruguayo Lacalle Pou pide un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Cuba

El senador uruguayo Lacalle Pou pide un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Cuba

El miembro del Partido Nacional dijo que "hay que decidirse porque el mundo no espera", en relación a las posibilidades que ofrece Cuba, ahora que ha restablecido relaciones diplomáticas con Estados Unidos.
El senador uruguayo del Partido Nacional Luis Lacalle Pou.El senador uruguayo del Partido Nacional Luis Lacalle Pou.

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.Pandillas en La Habana, el crimen gana espacios

Pandillas en La Habana, el crimen gana espacios

Testimonios de jóvenes que han entrado al mundo del crimen y las pandillas empujados por la pobreza y, presuntamente, con la tolerancia de la autoridad policial.
Policías solicitan identificación a jóvenes en el Parque Central, La Habana. Foto: Ernesto Pérez Chang (cortesía).
Policías solicitan identificación a jóvenes en el Parque Central, La Habana. Foto: Ernesto Pérez Chang (cortesía).
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