viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

House Defeats Efforts to Ease Cuba Sanctions

House Defeats Efforts to Ease Cuba Sanctions

Friday, July 8, 2016
U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) just presented and withdrew his amendment to the 2017 Financial Services Appropriations bill that sought to allow tourism travel to Cuba.

Pressed by The White House and lobbying interests after it was clear the amendment was going to be widely defeated -- on a bipartisan basis -- the Sanford amendment was publicly withdrawn.

Rep. Sanford himself acknowledged his defeat on the House floor -- "I see the handwriting on the wall."

Similarly, last night, an amendment by U.S. Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) that sought to allow financing for agricultural sales to Cuba was also withdrawn.

However, the Financial Services Appropriations bill still contains nearly a half-dozen provisions that would tighten sanctions towards the Castro regime, including a ban on all financial transactions with entities owned by the Cuban military and intelligence services.

Today's events end any hype and speculation regarding Congressional action to ease sanctions towards Cuba.

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